View 2022 IKEM Academy magazine
The world continues to reel from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, but energy consumption – and the associated emissions – are already returning to business-as-usual levels. The pandemic made only a small dent in an otherwise upward trajectory of emissions, record-breaking temperatures, wildfires and extreme weather events.
But even as the 1.5°C target set in the Paris Agreement appears to drift farther out of reach, there are reasons for optimism: social and technological innovation are opening up new avenues for accelerated climate action, from green hydrogen to digital participation opportunities, and from new policy initiatives to bottom-up climate litigation.
With these new tools at our disposal, IKEM Academy 2022 will explore the question: what does our energy future look like? How can we leverage existing and new technologies, raise our ambition and boost public participation to decarbonise our societies and reach our climate targets on time?
IKEM Academy participants will examine these issues in site visits, interactive workshops, expert lectures, and panel discussions with world-renowned thinkers and innovators.
In partnership with:

Institute for Climate Protection, Energy and Mobility
Magazinstraße 15–16 10179 Berlin +49 (0) 30 408 1870 15